June 29, 2010

Recreating friendly riverside area with nature of Yeongsan River

The characteristic point of recreation on the Yeongsan River Basin is the lengthwise and breadthwise network-connected riparian area. Especially the Zone 6(Seochang area) will hold waterfront space with theme of 'Creating friendly riparian spaces'.

At first, we recreate them by separated areas as 'water friendly recreation area', 'core ecological preservation area', 'wetland area of history and culture' and 'nature restoration area'.

Concerning 'the nature restoration area' which is linked by downstream area of the Hwangryong River, we have strict principle of preservation, retention and maintenance without artificial improvement because of its historical, cultural background and outstanding landscape. 'The water friendly recreation area' is the sector adjacent to the urban area of Gwangju city so that will newly hold the nature friendly facilities like walking trails, eco-park and pavilion of experience studies. A new small ferry and bike paths will also add their strokes on this expecting painting. 'The core ecological preservation area', also being the confluence of the Yeongsan and Hwangryong Rivers, has diverse distribution of fishes and shells, therefore, we plan to actively make effort to preserve them and block any access from human approach.

The wetland area of history and culture is a linkage to the historic sites so that it will take the facilities affiliated to riverside activities. Meanwhile, because the area connected to the main stream of Yeongsan River has not a few damaged spots, we take it as 'nature restoration area' to strive to restore its biotope.

As the plan of ecosystem preservation, we will maximize the healthy environments for the existing wetland, and concerning the inevitably damaged ones, we recreate them as friendly waterfront area for local residents to enjoy nature friendly lifestyle. The otters' habitat on the confluence of the Yeongsan and Hwangryong Rivers is subject of preservation, furthermore, 'narrow-mounted toads' and 'long-billed ringed plovers' will be spotted there after the end of this project. About the plants, we will take away the contaminated surface soil to get rid of introduced species threatening indigenous ones, and then make the autochthonous plants flourish.