June 29, 2010

Kestrels soar to the sky from the reed field of the Nakdong River

The Nakdong River is the longest one in South Korea, thus, the waterfronts reflected the respectively characterized features by sectors need to be applied. For instance, the Zone 18(Changnyeong, Haman region) of the Nakdong River locates near to the urban area of Changnyeong and Changwon, so we are going to recreate 'the complex cultural space' out of affiliation with local tourism resources. Especially, Haman and Changnyeong are typical places representing the ancient Gaya civilization, with drawing attention both cities retain the abundant historic remains and cultural resources.

By dividing the regions into 'Gyeseong Area', 'Haman 1, 2 Area', 'Culture Complex Area' and 'Gilgok Area', they will consist of attractive waterfront area with specialized themes. In 'Gyeseong Area', we will restore the ecosystem by recreating wetland with birds' habitat, birds feeding spots and perches without artificial materials. 'The culture complex area' will be reborn as cultural ground of fishways observation and gallery in affiliation with riparian space, as multifunctional weir centered.

'The Haman 1 Area' will have Riverside Park and stage for festival or performance so to be back to the residents.

To compensate the defects which have been revealed from the basic design for riparian areas, 'the Office of National River Restoration' will hold the briefing session for local residents, specialists, and environment groups so to eventually collect various opinions for the formulation of the final plan.