June 29, 2010

Despite weir constructions, fishways compensates

Along with weirs constructions on the four rivers basins, environment-friendly fishways (33 spots) which help natural movements of aquatic lives and natural type detour waterways are constructed in order to connect naturally correlations between upper and down areas of rivers in ecosystem.

At estuaries of the Nakdong River which link rivers and sea also will have its new fishways installed. With previously constructed fishways in estuaries of the Yeongsan River, the completion of one in the Nakdong River comes to mean that all the four rivers will have equipped eco-corridors for the aquatic lives.

On the drop structures constructed to prevent the sands in confluence area from being swept away, appropriate scale of fishways are going to be created. And around the Seungchon Weir and the Juksan Weir of the Yeongsan River, for the connection between upper and lower areas of the stream, we plan to create nationally largest scale of artificial fishways of respectively 1.9 Km and 4.2 Km length. Installing the fishways observatory which followed the installation of fishways, ecological education program will be run by regions. The program will employ diverse application methods by monitoring regularly the status of fishways utilization.

Like these, the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project is truly ecological restoration project designing beforehand and reflecting the environment-friendly factors into work procedure in order to improve the proper functions of the rivers themselves and to retain the species diversities all the time.