June 29, 2010

Sand bar with plenty worth preserving, keep its original form

In recent, some media and ecoactivists organizations bring up the issue with insisting that the project would plausibly damage the nature by pouring huge amount of concretes in riverside.

However the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project has plan of creating 94% out of total construction area into 'ecological revetments' so that they does not affect any even tiny influence on the existing creatures. Out of the rest 6% area, the sectors that we use the pure concrete for structures are merely 0.2%. About the 5.8% of concrete usage belongs to the creation of environment-friendly vegetation and ecological block, even the 0.2% of concrete usage also is allocated for building concrete revetment (river bank protector) in inevitable case for preventing from being swept away in flood. Additionally, total amount of concrete used in the project is 1.6 million tons, being only 0.3% out of total dredge amount of 570 million tons. Uses for constructing weirs make up the bulk of the tiny percentage of concrete amount.

The Four Major Rivers Restoration Project preserves the existing sand bars with retaining the original geographic shape of river flow. Therefore, the worries that the rivers will be straightened in flow shape after the project can be said unduly exaggerated concern.

The dredge work will be done only under the case that deposit soils develop as unnecessary plants on it so to change the flow of the ordinary stream. The sandy bars of highly worth preserving will be preserved intact in Hoeryongpo, down the Yeongju Dam, the Nakdong River, the Miho Stream of the Geum River, and Yeonyang Area of the Han River.

The more important thing is that permanent flowing stream retains biodiversity and dynamism so that it contributes to more dynamic vitality and ecological values with new natural formation of sand fields. Eventually, we will witness vitally vivid riparian ecosystem of plentiful lives within