May 02, 2010

Going Waterway Tour with Eco Tourist Map

Imagine how it would be the sceneries of the four rivers after the completion of the project. For whom to be curious about it, Eco Tourist Map will be printed for helping your firsthand experience of visiting. Especially the map would contain the 45 places of tourist attractions around the four rivers. So even if you visit one place a week, it will take almost a year to visit all of them.

Let us take a close view on 'the Four Rivers Eco Map' which you can see the health of our national land and 'Eco Tourist Map' which will enrich your annual travel plan.

These maps made by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs are consisted of the part of eco maps around the four rivers and the other part of 45 places of tourist attractions stunningly changed after the project. At the past, there was a partial case of the publication for the Eco Map of the Seomjin River which flows to the south-westernmost of the peninsula. However the completion of nationwide eco maps like this is the first time.

The maps contain the overall ecological information including the distribution of animals and plants, aquatic system health, riparian ecosystem, artificial embankment, designated eco areas, wetland reservation, wild animals' reservation areas, vegetated waterways, and weirs on the basis of satellite images taken recently after 2006 with the Four Rivers Project areas as the center. The information on the maps not only reflected the data from the research on the aquatic system health of the four rivers executed nationally by the Ministry of Environment in 2008, but also was consulted by the eco-experts in order to raise the reliability.