May 02, 2010

Expansion of Water Pollution Caps

By the 2012, we will raise the ratio of the winning sector of 'clean water' (under 3.0mg/L in BOD level) up to 83% which were merely 76% on the research in 2006. A drastic expansion for environment infrastructures are also on the schedule as follows, the selection for 34 spots of intensive-management-needed area, and building the TP(Total Phosphorus) treatment facilities to restrain the eutrophication with KRW 0.5 million budget. If so, the sewerage distribution rate which was merely 82% in 2006 would increase to 91% in 2012. In order to strengthen the preventive maintenance, we added TP(Total Phosphorus) standards to the existing criterion of BOD(Biological Oxygen Demand) in the list of articles for water pollution caps management. We plan to restrain the inflow of contaminating substances with measures as follows: newly application with COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TP(Total Phosphorus) standards to the rivers, - before then, the both standards were only applied to the lakes and swamps - and strengthened water quality standards on discharges from the environmental infrastructures (from 4mg/L in 2006 to 0.5mg/L in 2012). Additionally, for a diminution in the inflow of contaminating substances, diverse countermeasures - building of vegetated waterways, vegetative buffer zones, and detention structures - are to be promoted.