March 16, 2010

Exploiting Local Character, Providing Entertainment Opportunity

The Seungchon weir is praised for exploiting local characteristics, including its design. The weir symbolizes rice from Naju plain,while the piers symbolize rice and eggs of water fowl that represent clean ecology.

Night scenery is also beautiful. The lighting symbolizes rice of the Yeongsan River will make the nearby area bright at night. Especially, in each season, different sceneries will be shown, to give seasonal flavor to the tourists who visit the weir. Also, since the main purpose of building Seungchon weir is restoration of ecology, environment-friendly lighting will be used.

Like other weir, the Seungchon weir will also provide leisure opportunity for local population with cultural facilities and 2m-wide bicycle road along the embankment. Total length is 36km. Moreover, ferry, parks and swamps will be built to provide beautiful location for family and couples. It will be anenvironment-friendly theme park of the area.