July 20, 2010

If the project stops, the residents will have nothing but suffering

Special Interview: Director of Planning, Mr. HONG Hyung-Pyo, Office of National River Restoration
  • Some dissenters against 'the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project' claim that national publics are against it, then how about the actual public opinion? Do you have any results of opinion polls?
Not surveyed on governmental level, however, the local municipalities and almost residents on the site of the restoration project are supporting the project. At the end of last year, according to the survey from 1,028 people by 'Maeil Daily' of local newspaper in Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, it shows 51.6% fors and 36.4% againsts. 'Extremely againsts' were merely 11.4%. The portion for the Nakdong River takes the highest among the enterprises of the project.
  • Some people diminish the importance and sincerity of the project by alleging that the raised land value is the reason why residents support. In the area of the Han Rivers adjacent to Seoul Metropolitan region, it is said that 90% in favor. Is it really from the increased land value?
You can regard it as malicious rumor affiliating with real estate speculation to scratch the project. I think that the reason why the residents in basin of the Han River are more affirmative and supportive is our project is substantially beneficial and they also recognize it as an essential enterprise for safe and better life.
  • It is heard that one river must be restored on a trial basis and the others afterward with second plan. Is it plausible?
All the rivers are of much importance, as to matters about protecting the people's life, property and rivers' restoration. It is big problem if unchosen river encounters unexpected severe flood damage or drought out of abnormal weather change. Bearing the burden and criticism that originally estimated working expenses will increase, we had to include the Seomjin River and other major tributaries into our master plan of enhancement from the intent above.
  • Concerning the Project, some say that 'tributaries first, main streams later'. You think it is worthy of giving positive consideration?
The Four Major Rivers Restoration Project is a new-concept governmental enterprise to cope with the impact of climate change and to convert 'ex post facto recovery' into 'precautionary measure'. In my humble opinion, it is the ordinary order that we concentrate on the main four rivers expected to be vulnerable for large-scale flood damage so to complete with prevention system and then get phase-in for the rest tributaries. Moreover, provided that flood elevation get lowered due to enhancement on main stream, the one of tributaries naturally go down with making effect of preventing further damages. While we carry on the project on the four rivers, we also plan to expand the investment for sub streams and tributaries.
  • There's worry about excessive rush on the construction work. Isn't it necessary to adjust the speed?
With considering the reality of arising flood damage equivalent to trillion won scale and pouring tremendous expenditures more than that in order to recover, it is crucial with no doubt that we have to complete the project with concentrated investment at the earliest possible moment. From 2002 to 2006, the annual nationwide amount in average from flood damages recorded KRW 2.7 trillion; the restoration expenditure recorded KRW 4.2 trillion. Since this project is designed to diminish substantially the amount of damage, any hesitation will result in prolonged inconvenience of people and increase of construction cost due to the rise of prices.
  • After the local election of June 2nd, is there anything to be changed in the project?
The project is carried forward on the basis of the proposals from local municipalities and through legitimate procedures like National Assembly budget vote. Considering that is essentially needed work from local residents for balanced development, the basic stance of government is for carrying desirably on the project as previously arranged.
  • How about the authority of local government heads on the project?
Concerning acting stream enhancement enterprise as a proxy and permission to remodeling businesses for agricultural sites, head of metropolitan council has legal authority; as to permission for aggregate site and land compensation affairs, on head of basic local government.
  • What benefits are for the farmers from agricultural land?
The agricultural land remodeling project was designed to convert the flood-prone riverside agricultural land into healthy one by raising the ground level. After the completion of the undertaking, the newly developed land can be applied as diverse agricultural use like rice paddy or dry-field farming. Additionally, mechanized farming is expected to be available so that agricultural circumstances would be greatly improved. The almost farmlands selected as the object of remodeling plan are under flood-prone and chronic inundation conditions so that the residents are highly supportive for the project.
  • What part would be affected except aggregate sites if some local governments turn into opposition?
The project is government-led enterprise. Originally government were to take whole roles throughout the project, however, since local municipalities constantly requested the allocation and participation, central government let them act some parts for the sake of local economy's reactivation with local companies and local job creation. The sales revenue from selling aggregates become vested in municipality; the benefit of construction works on stream enhancement through open tender will also enrich local economy. Therefore, if the project will be hindered to stop, the local communities are liable to be victims of political strife. Since the project's benefiters are definitely the local residents and the project are to be carried on by the proposal of municipalities, it is forecasted that local governments will demonstrate cooperative attitude.
  • Recent news reports that some head of local government declared to pull out from some trust enterprises and to return to the central government. Which ones and what quantities of amount are they?
Still now, any official request for the re-adjustment for that from governor-elect of opposition party was not detected. For reference, trust enterprises allocated for Gyeongnam Province are 13 cases with KRW 769.5 billion; Chungnam Province for 3 cases with KRW 290.7 billion; Chungbuk Province for 3 cases with KRW 192 billion and Gwangju Metropolitan City for 1 case with KRW 84.9 billion. In case the local governments refuse their allocations, the central government (Regional Construction and Management Administration) are scheduled to continue the project according to plan.