June 28, 2010

The waterfronts of the four major rivers

On the each river, new distinctive waterfronts will be created. The riversides of the Han, Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan Rivers basins under active constructions, both nominally and virtually, will be reborn as special place letting nature as more natural and human as more human. The place which lives breathe, people enjoy healthy interactions with nature, arts flow, and technology meets with nature. Let us take an advance look on the riparian zone newly created after the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project.
The waterfront is the spatial conception realized out of the basic plans of 'Realization of Culture Silk Road for 21C Green Renaissance' and 'Four Rivers flowing with Culture'. The places which riparian area will be created are 215 spots throughout the four rivers basins in total length of 929 km.

The keynote of the waterfront design is simple: environment-friendly and human-orient space creation, and reflection for local culture and history. The four rivers basins have historically and culturally distinctive backgrounds, with embracing the ecospheres adapted to each geological features.

With full reflection of them, the project plan on creating better places with renaissance of local culture and history as well as deliberate environmental creation for animals and plants. The creation for the waterfront will be done by separated sections in common. i.e., waterfront, restoration and reservation area.

Especially, in the restoration and reservation areas, being with purpose of ecosystem restoration, therefore, gyms, playgrounds and other convenient facilities cannot be installed. Even in the waterfront spaces which people can have easy access, the indiscriminate installations of recreational facilities will be restricted except only eco-friendly ones.
The four rivers' waterfronts are to be created on each local characteristic. The riverside area of the Han River can be represented by 'Modern and Emotional Area'; the Geum River flowing through Baekjae cultural regions as 'Historic Renaissance Area'; the Nakdong River with migratory birds as 'Nature-Human breathing Area'; the eongsan River flowing to connect he hometown of traditional art of eonju and luminosity city of wangju as 'the Area of Fashion and Taste'. Let us take a closer look at how the riverside areas can change with some spots of the waterfronts as the general drawing from the Four Rivers Restoration Office.