May 02, 2010

Habitat restoration for wild species

All the places of which the river flows are to be kept their present shapes with maximum amount of effort. It is not to give the lives any confusion. The newly restored habitats would accommodate the wild species once alienated due to the unsustainable developments, after the project changes the 929km-long national rivers into the habitats ecologically healthier and richer in biological diversity. Also the inner city river will be ecologically restored to return the regained spaces to the citizen and nature.

With minimizing concrete use around rivers, the project office is to build nature-friendly environment and eco-belt. Along with the rivers, piles of stones and caves are going to be restored as the habitats and spawning sites for mammals, birds, amphibians, and retiles. For the convenient move for both terrestrial and aquatic species, a 907km-long eco-belt will be built on the embankments.