May 25, 2010

The 4 Rivers Restoration Project, Focused on in Czech Republic

The Four Rivers Restoration Project receives pleasantly surprising attentions in Czech Republic, Central Europe. The water resource related magazine of < Vodni Cesty A Plavba > wrote an article about the Four Rivers Restoration Project on the print of April 19. That article was specially distributed from the PR Team of the Office of National River Restoration in Korea. The Czech magazine allocated detailed contents about the Project, Green Growth Policy of Korea, Green New Deal Policy, expected effects and 5 big assignments of the Four Rivers Restoration Project.

Mr. Tomas Kolarik, the editor in chief, witnessed that they received many questions from their subscribers after release of the magazine with the article. “The head of Water Resource Department of Czech government showed a wish of visiting the Projects sites in near future.” Additionally, Mr. Tomas Kolarik delivered his hope that he would like to print the success story of our Project in English and Czech language version.