December 05, 2011

Introducing the Four Rivers Restoration Project

“Water in the Green Growth Economy in Practice Towards Rio+20” was held on the 1st of last October in Zaragosa, Spain. It was a meeting in which each case of water-savings from countries was intensively discussed in order to prepare UN’s Rio+20. Korea was invited by host and attended to present the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project.

Environment Administrator Cha explained that a scope of this project was bigger than that of any other precedents at his presentation and presented details as well. There were several important issues raised.

First, “How financial management was made through the project?” Secondly, “What was the social conflict between stakeholder parties on the restoration project and how this conflict was started and handled?”

Thirdly, “How the stakeholders participated in this project?” Lastly, “What is the effect of this project and what was expected from it?” According to the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, researches on Water for Green Growth with WWC, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, K-water and Korea water Forum were also introduced. It was such a meaningful event which informed the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project as an example of green growth and green economy to the world. It positively affected Korea to keep positioning as a strongly water-managing country.

The “Towards a GREEN ECONOMY” report introduces the four major rivers restoration project as an example of Green Growth. In the water chapter from the “Towards a GREE N ECONOMY”, published by UNEP(UN Environment Programme) , it was written that the Four major rivers restoration project was a case which successfully adopted the Green Growth by restoring the rivers. In the introduction of Korea’s Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, it was announced that KWR 22 trillion was invested as a part of the green growth strategy, and 34,000 jobs have been created indicating the economic surplus of KWR 40 trillion. It was also announced that this project had several goals to achieve, which are to prevent water-scarcity, to control flood and water quality, to restore ecosystem, to develop along the river, and to create culture and recreation spaces.

Many general topics about the green economy including global transformation to green economy, energy and resource efficiency, and investment in nature were discussed.