June 29, 2010

What is 'the waterfront?'

The waterfront area means the special space with rivers centered. According to 'the law of streams', to the extended area out of embankment, it includes the river area and spaces that ecosystem which depends on the natural and social benefits from the river. The waterfront is the habitat of wild lives like fishes, birds and little bugs as well as it is 'amenity' which provide near natural reality to contact, enjoy, and share the emotional communication to human being.

Our ancestors, in the scenic riverside hill, used to build a gazebo to appreciate the arts with inspiring natural things as friends, while the local residents plays traditional folk games on vast riverside sand field. As seen as the painting of 'Bubyeok gazebo on the Daedong River' by KIM Hong-Do(famous painter in18 century), our ancestors had lived their lives with enjoying true taste of harmony between human and nature especially in waterfront area.