May 25, 2010

What about the management of the Four Rivers after the completion of the Project?

With making a best use of IT technology, we promise the water secure, flood protection, water quality improvement and provision the information of complex spaces.

With the 16 weirs in the Four Rivers as standards, we will lay the fiber-optic cables so to manage the rivers under control of ‘the River Integrated Information Center’. We call it ‘Smart River System’. The ‘Smart River System’ consists of roughly 4 major systems: the ‘Water Secure Infra’ preparing water shortage, ‘Flood Protection Infra’ for active protection, the ‘Aquatic Ecosystem Infra’ responsible for monitoring clean water state, and finally ‘Complex Space and Regional Economy infra’ giving diverse information to the visitors. Provided the successful completion of the Project, the exportation of the technology of the Smart River System can be possible.