May 02, 2010

'Stagnant water is bound to rot.' However it is not always scientifically working common sense

We know that stagnant water is bound to corrupt. It is, however, not always scientifically working common sense. Provided that the concentration level of phosphorus which can be the cause of green tide is low, even stagnant water does not go murky. The occurrence of the algae bloom in middle and upper region of the rivers in Korea has been mainly observed during summer dry season affected by sewage discharges.

Therefore, in order to restrain the occurrence of algae bloom in downstream area, you have to reduce the abundant amount of phosphorus discharged from the sewage treatment facilities. The permitted emission limit for phosphorus in Korea is rather less strict than other ecological developed countries. The earlier physicochemical treatment and the strengthening of emission standard for phosphorus discharge should have been established. Nevertheless, we have good news. Thanks to this Four Major Rivers Restoration project, the tighter emission standards have been advanced with the budget allocation of KRW 0.5 billion and the related regulations are under active modification. But it seems to be too insufficient to prevent fundamentally eutrophication expected on the weirs which are scheduled to be constructed on middle and low areas of the rivers. With securing the additional budget for relevant facilities extension and management, the stepwise strengthening of emission standards also have to be carried on.

Concerning the water contamination accidents caused by toxic substance, the water vessels of nature have double-sidedness. If the water vessel is big, the head of contamination degree declines throughout the dilution, otherwise the tail of contamination degree get longer. That is, acute effect is low; however, chronic factors stay longer. Of course managing the source of water contamination is a crucial, but it is strongly needed that we have to use the secured water in upper areas of rivers for diluting unexpected water contamination accidents without hesitation. The authorities responsible for management for the dams, weirs and reservoirs have to establish the relevant regulations in order that we could cope with the future problems of water shortage, water quality worsening and drought and get back the water to the nature in recompense. With this, we have to reassert that this project is not human-oriented but authentically nature-oriented to revitalize the rivers.

With being confronted to the natural selection's pressure named of 'Climate Change', we cannot just risk it doing nothing nor leave out of our vital water. It is strongly needed that we strive to enhance the substructures and systems concerning water. Beginning with securing the water vessels, we have to restrain the emissions of the toxic substances with mostly optimized engineering method as far as we can. Additionally, on the assumption that source water inevitably got contaminated in spite of the thorough management for contamination sources, we have to enhance the water treatment technology in order to secure the health of a people.

Supplying safe and abundant water to a people and preventing the water disaster are the duties of a nation. However, it is also true that there have been insufficiency of the duties except the Metropolitan area. Provided that the future water resource crisis are taken into consideration, all the related authorities may have to do the best in order to accomplish the project with meeting the original purpose.

KONG Dong-Soo
Prof., Dept. of Biological Science,Gyeonggi University