May 25, 2010

The 4th B4E (Business for the Environment)

Now is the time we have to make a move for our next generation who would suffer from water shortages.

“Korea has already started action with the Four Rivers Restoration Project.”
On the April 21 to 23, the worldly important figures congregated one after another in ‘the 4th Business for the Environment (B4E)’ held in KOEX, Seoul, Korea. They conducted in-depth discussions about the climate change and water shortage, and also verified ‘Low-carbon green-growth policy of Korea’. President LEE Myung-Bak, in his keynote speech, has stressed that we can drive the development that produces both economic and environmental benefits so that the Four Rivers Restoration Project is the one for it.

Honorary Al Gore the former vice-president of the United States, an Award Winning Film Director James Cameron, the Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed who held the first underwater cabinet meeting to highlight the global warming, hundreds of CEO’s of major international companies and respective governmental ministers took a look at the Republic of Korea. That was good opportunity to check and verify the ‘Low-carbon Green-Growth Policy’, proposed by President Lee Myung-Bak, being a new growth engine of the country.

The main topic the participants discussed on this 4th B4E Conference was ‘World Climate Change’, and the primary concern was also ‘Water shortage problem.’

The conclusion of B4E. ‘Preparation for Climate change and water shortage’. Let’s make a move before it’s too late.

In this conference, Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, had the opening address, and Korean President Lee Myung-Bak did keynote speech. Al Gore, the former Vice-President of the United States and dozens of prominent figures had speeches on the topics of climate change or new growth engine. In addition, related conferences were held up to five times with including Director James Cameron by satellite.

Al Gore, who had speech with title of ‘the Measures of resolving the climate change’ through satellite connection, warned by saying, “The flood will get harder; many snowfalls will turn into rainfalls in near future. These climate changes would make our prediction much far harder.” He also stressed that, in case of traditional farms, the knowledge from their father and grandfather could not be applied any more.

Director James Cameron, satellite-remotely taken part in the discussion named as ‘World Leading for the Future of Low Carbon’, also predicted that the world would face the harsh difficulties in coming decades, and he continued to emphasize on the strong need of the international-level measure with respective nations’ crucial decisions. Mohamed Nasheed, the Maldives President who held the first underwater cabinet meeting in October 2010 to highlight the global warming, seriously underlined, “There is a case that even the longest river often cannot reach to the sea.” He continued, “The past wars can be even subordinate when we compare them to our confronted challenges. Today, we are confronting to the crisis of extinction.”
The mutual conclusion by the participants on this conference is ‘action’.

Al Gore stated, “If we let our next generation live in terrible environment. We would definitely be asked that why we did not make a move to fix the present vital problems. On the contrary, we strive to make a better environment; they would recognize the previous efforts and sacrifices out of moral courage”. He continued, “We have to take the glory of positive answering to our future generations.” President Nasheed also reasserted that our decision in coming 10 years would change the future history which our planet will go through in upcoming 100,000 years.

President LEE Myung-Bak, “Everyone would see the outcome of the Four Rivers Restoration Project.”

President Lee opened the vision of the Four Rivers Restoration Project in front of the participants on the conference who shares the urgent crisis. On April 22, President Lee, who had keynote address on the conference place, underscored that the Four Rivers Restoration Project is the most appropriate measure for the expansion of supply and productivity for water use.

President LEE Myung-Bak said, “The climate change that our earth now suffers a fever is the ever huge challenge to the human being. There is no bailout in nature’s law. Without change from us, we cannot promise human’s future to our next generation. Hence, we have to try new change to confront the crisis.”

Also, he said that water is the most vulnerable for the influence of climate change. Different from other resources, there is no alternatives for water except water itself so that is a matter of national security level than energy problems. Now in the world, over 500 million people are reportedly suffering from water shortage and about 40% of world population in 20 years will be exposed under chronic water shortage problem according to a recent research, therefore, water shortage problem is seemed to be worsening. So the Four Rivers Restoration Project can be the very close solution as remedy. Lee stressed that, in the Project, countries and the world can drive development that produces both economic and environmental benefits. That will be representative Green New Deal Project. He assured that the participants would revisit Korea in 2012; surely they will witness the outstanding and successful result of the Project.

The UNEP Report says “The Project of Korea deserves to be applauded.”

Very enthusiastic responses they showed to the presentation of the Four Rivers Restoration Project of Korea done by President Lee. After the conference, the Executive Director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, handed over the report containing the assessment for the Korean Green Growth Policy to Mr. LEE Man-Eui, the Minister of Environment.

The report diagnosed that “concerning the Korean situation of frequent drought and flood, the additional water maintenance policy is needed” and the report states “the trial of ecosystem restoration deserves to be applauded and it surely will contribute to resolve the water shortage problems and to reactivate the stagnant local economy. Furthermore, Republic of Korea is showing the leadership for international level participation by encouraging the global endeavors for reaching to green economy.”

- Global discussions in B4E Commissions by government ministers and CEO’s
- President LEE Myung-Bak addressing keynote speech
- The movie Director James Cameron participated in discussion by satellite connection