March 16, 2010

Korean Water Policy comes into global attention

The faster urbanization goes, the higher water consumption increases geometrically. Thus, the limited water resources come to be threatened with danger of depletion. Korea is also facing necessity to prepare for the danger of falling into water-shortage nationstatus. The Four Major Rivers Restoration Project by Korean government aims at controlling water shortage and flood management simultaneously. In the four rivers; Han River, which provides water for twenty three million metropolitan residents, the Geum River,basis of ancient Baekje civilization, the Nakdong River, artery of industry, and the Yeongsan River, which shall improve agriculturein Honam plain and increases living quality, weirs will be built at 16 places to secure water resources, make the flow of water better by lowering the river bed that has been accumulated by deposits, and to prevent flood by maintaining dams and embankments, all to result in building a country without worries over water.