January 29, 2012

Objection just to be on the Other Side is National Energy Loss

Si Kwon Ahn, Director General of Planning Bureau

There is the continuous request for international technical assistance and know-how transfer.

International political and embassy officials were impressed and gave much praise. Recently, the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra has visited the project sites of the Geum River and the Han River keened to be inherited the technology and experience. From the governmental perspective, it is being positively reviewed because propagation of the technology and know-how can advance national interest and benefit the world as a leading role in responding to climate change and water problems in Asia. Morocco and Colombia have also shown interests.

What have been revised from the original plan as in reduction of dredging amount?

It is true there were some changes made from the original plan. The amount of dredging has been reduced 100 millionm3 in the process of designing and construction from the original master plan. There was the time difference between the original master plan and the materials for designing and also there was the difference from the dimension of the riverbed in the master plan due to absence of precision. Some sites had limitations while handling the dredged soil, so there was the need for adjustment in the middle of the project. Nevertheless, the changes were made not to hinder the effects, goals, and expectations as originally planned.

How did you cope with the situations led to social conflicts such as compensation issues?

It was not avoidable to confront conflicts in some regions because the riverside farming had to be stopped. Financial compensation has been made but for it had to be in accordance with government regulations and policies, it may have been insufficient. Any reasonable issues raised in the future will be welcomed.

There are arguments that the waterfront method promotes improper and random development.

There seems to be a concern on random development of nightlife accommodations. However, the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project prevents reckless development and resiliently ensures systematic maintenance and management to provide quality of life in the public sector of the area. Those who opposed to the enactment of Special Act to Utilization of Waterfront Area and preparation of the subsequent policies say that the Special Act will promote speculation of the land and benefit only a few people but it is not true. To prevent random development by systematic sharing system and to evenly allocate the developmental profit is much better than a few merchants make money.

Is there any regret in two years of project promoting process?

Frankly speaking, a lot of people were against this project just to be on the other side. Unnecessary opposition can be a trouble for the government as the subject to carry on with the project. There is no other way than providing explanation for the raised claims, which is found to be administrative waste.
Hopefully it will not happen in the future as economically wasteful aspects were found in the process causing social conflicts and losing national resources.

To me, the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project isIt is ‘to have consistent aim.’ As a person who participated in the establishment of the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project Master Plan announced in June, 2009 the projects consistency between its original intention and the results is most important.